
12 Nov 2020

Watchguard Firebox T35, T35-W, T55, T55-W, T70

Firebox T35, T35-W, T55, T55-W, T70

The purpose of this document is to announce WatchGuard’s intent to End-of-Sale (EOS) some of our second-generation Firebox Tabletop models (T35-W, T55) effective Dec 31st 2020. We are also providing advance notice of the EOL date for second generation Firebox Tabletop models (Firebox T35, T35-W, T55, T55-W, T70). Table 1 describes the EOS and EOL milestones, definitions, and dates for the affected products. Table 2 lists the product part numbers affected by this announcement. Although we have a common end of life date, WatchGuard is not yet announcing End of Sale for some models because we still have inventory available. Customers may still be interested in purchasing these appliances for some use cases since they have certifications like EAL4+ that are not yet available on the newer models.
Table 1 – EOS and EOL Milestones for Firebox T35, T35-W, T55, T55-W, and T70

Although 1-year renewal SKUs will remain active in the final year, services will not extend beyond the EOL date of Dec 31st 2025.
3 year renewal SKUs will stay on the price list until 23 months before EOL because these SKUs are used for co-term quotes in renewals.
All new customers interested in purchasing hardware in a similar price range as these models should purchase the newest Firebox models, T40, T40-W, and T80, which have faster processors and more memory. These new models are capable of running new services like Access Portal and IntelligentAV which were not available on the older appliances. The latest Firebox models have been very well received in the market since first introduction in June 2020.